Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Teacher Exploration Workshop (The Question and Profile & Philosophy)

The Question:

Will incorporating technology throughout the writing process at the lower elementary level improve the quality of writing (i.e., conventions, conferencing, content,)?

Philosophy and Profile:

This matters to be because at our campus teachers have expressed concern regarding the quality of writing produced at the fourth grade level. I think as STAAR is implemented, building a strong writing foundation at the early elementary level will become increasing important and looked at with more scrutiny. The internet has become a crucial component of our lives, yet that isn’t always reflected in classroom teaching. I feel I have a responsibility to my students to do everything possible to ensure they have the skills necessary to produce work that is interesting, creative, grammatically correct, and contains substance. I believe digital writing will help my students become more successful writers who are prepared for the twenty-first century.

I teach in the first grade inclusion classroom. I work at a Title I school so many of my students have a low socioeconomic status. Some of my students do not have computers at home so access to computers at school is very important. My students have one hour of computer time each week during Specials. Based on past year’s experience, my students have been successful using many internet sites and typing final drafts of their writing on the computer. My students with special needs are often most successful when they have the opportunity to complete activities using a computer.

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