LeAnn Robertson
N. Votteler
SHSU Writing Project
7 June 2011
The Question:
How do I incorporate creative writing into grammar instruction without compromising the rigor needed to maintain testing scores?
Philosophy & Profile
This matters to me because I find that students struggle with usage and punctuation even at the senior level. Intensive grammar instruction is rarely incorporated in today’s English classroom. In the attempt to put ideas on paper, grammar and structure are often lost. The correct usage and proper format are often totally ignored. I want to take a creative outlet and use it as vehicle for instruction in usage, formatting and mechanics, because I am convinced that my students learn what they do. I hope to take writing and make it an outlet for expression not just a means to an end (a passing grade). My students are so ingrained in a writing formula, that creativity is lost and ideas are stifled by the ever present grammatical mistake.
Writing is viewed as an end product (grade) and not a catalyst (method) for grammar instruction. Repetitive phrases, poorly chosen adjectives and weak ideas result in inadequately formed sentences and incorrectly used verbage.
The racial make up of my classes is about 30% anglo, 30% Hispanic and 40% black, with the majority of the campus being Title I (lower socioeconomic background). They lack life experieces needed to grasp the importance of formal language and often fail to see the connection to their world and lives. They live in a rural community which places little demand on them to exceed their parents current standard of living. As a result they are often viewed not as problems to be solved but irritants to be endured. Turning the tide of this apathy begins with one class. It is this question that compels me to examine the writing process as a catalyst for intensive grammar instruction.
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